There’s a missing link in the tea space.

Kazi Yetu was founded to change the way products are made and traded between Africa and the rest of the world. Commodities that are exported from Africa are mostly processed and packaged abroad, minimizing economic gain in the country of origin. To address this, Tahira and Hendrik founded Kazi Yetu in 2018 with a focus on products made 100% in East Africa to promote job creation for women and more equitable pay for farmers. 

Introducing high quality tea and botanicals from Africa, made in Africa.

Kazi Yetu is the first of its kind to introduce high quality, traceable tea blends that are fully sourced, blended, and packed in Tanzania. Our teas are harvested in the Usambara mountains, a warm, mountainous climate that unlocks unique dimensionality and taste. Our flavorful, nourishing spices come from Zanzibar, which is known as the “spice island.” 

Africa Tea Collection

Infusing job creation with every sip.

In 2023, we launched Sakare Specialty Tea factory—the first cooperative-owned tea processing factory in Tanzania. Before the factory was established, farmers were making $0.15/kg selling raw green leaf and they were not able to process the tea. Now, they are now making $0.20/kg for green leaf and are earning $5-6/kg in revenue by selling processed orthodox tea to Kazi Yetu. After sourcing the tea and spices, we then aggregate, blend and pack in our women-run factory in Dar es Salaam. We focus on local value addition so more of the profit from your cup of tea stays in the country of origin. 

We’re excited to share specialty tea and botanicals from Tanzania and can’t wait for you to taste the difference.

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